White chocolate fudge

by Mar 13, 20190 comments

Fudge is one of my favourites sweets to make, white chocolate fudge is absolutely amazing. Homemade sweets make great gifts for different occasions. I sometimes add sprinkles to the fudge which adds a pretty twist.

I love to use cellophane tied with a ribbon to package them in.


  • 450 grams caster sugar
  • 300 ml can evaporated milk
  • 150-200 grams white chocolate
  • 56 grams butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • sprinkles, optional


  • Line a 18cm or 20cm cake tin with greaseproof paper and put some sprinkles on the tin if you want to achieve the same effect as I did in the image above
  • Put all the ingredients,except for the vanilla extract, in a medium to large heavy based saucepan and heat gently on a hob until the sugar has dissolved
  • Bring to a gentle boil until the temperature reaches 108-110°C on the sugar thermometer or the jam stage, stir occasionally to prevent sticking and burning
  • Remove from the heat and let it sit for 5 minutes on a cool surface and add the vanilla extract and white chocolate
  • Beat the mixture with a wooden spoon until the chocolate has melted and then pour into the prepared tin.
  • Pour the mixture into the prepared cake tin and leave until almost set, about 5 minutes, then use a sharp knife to cut into squares and leave to set and cool completely

If you wait for the fudge to cool completely before cutting it will be difficult to cut and will crumble and break


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